Really, I did. My first time ever. They have strange curly long tails, too. For someone who doesn't like bugs, this one topped the list. Thankfully, Nicole guided me through the murderous act and I am assuming it was a success. I am too scared to remove the Harry Potter book to see what's underneath though. I'll just continue assuming.
What a day though. Seriously, I have a few days off from school work and it feels like such a blessing. I worked so hard the past few days and I'm really proud of my accomplishments. I think I did a stellar presentation today in my family class. I honestly don't care that much about what I get for a grade either. I really stood up for my beliefs and I expressed them aloud to my entire sixty person class. I'm usually not so confident to speak publicly about Judaism and what religion means to me, but today, I think I handled myself very well. I also received many compliments following the presentation from individuals sitting around me... and it's funny but hearing positive things from my peers felt really good.
I think the next few days are going to be a lot of fun. Tomorrow I'm working a double (so money!! Finally!) and going to Coffee Bean to plan my Sunday School curriculum for the afternoon. Then hopefully seeing David at night. Then Friday, doing TA work in the morning, then going to help cook for Shabbat, and then more Sunday School stuff with Nicole. Then Shabbat, probably split between JAC and Chabad. Then out Saturday night to a bar somewhere, since I just can now. Then the first day of Sunday School. I can't wait. I miss my social life so much!
I printed up a bunch of pictures the other day at Walmart. I want to put them up in my bedroom but I'm not sure how I should arrange them. But I really want them up now. I want to see my friends all around me. I'm too tired though. I haven't been sleeping well because my mind has been all over the place. I keep having nightmares about nuclear bomb attacks. I know that's really weird. Reading the news is scary though. I hope the world is able to settle down. Anger and aggression don't solve anything.