I need to make a list.
To do:
Complete section of thesis
Submit biology homework
Biology quiz
Readings for other biology class
20 minute written presentation on the family
I don't know anyone else who has this much school work after being in school for a total of six days. It's so annoying. I like work, but this is a bit much.
Anyways, the weekend was okay. For once, shabbat wasn't the big social spot on campus so I could somewhat enjoy it. Good company and good food. It's hard to complain about.
Between Friday's emotional explosion (pre-GRE, GRE, and post-GRE) I felt unbelievably lonely. The only person I really told was my Dad. I hid it from my best friends pretty well. I think they believed I was okay. I kind of broke down after a few minutes of services and left the room to drink water. I was dizzy and my head was pounding from crying so hard earlier. Soon, the feeling started to go away and I fell asleep next to Brooke on Suzy's couch and surprisingly, slept well throughout the night.
Friday night, Rabbi Yudi shed some light on me about his "happy" philosophy on life. It basically revolves around seeing the happiness in all situations. Immediately, I thought back to that afternoon, and the feeling that surrounded me after the test. I told him I couldn't understand how to see the happiness in that situation. But even though I told him that, I knew that I could. It's just not easy. Really hard, crappy things happen to people but seeing the happiness is a very difficult, but efficient, way of handling things.
I am really tired of staring at the computer but I know I have to for many more hours.
There are a lot of things that I want to do right now that don't involve school. I really want to plan my Sunday school curriculum for the year. That's going to take a full day. I also really wanted to go to the Grand Canyon today. I thought I would be able to focus there. I ended up sleeping in way too late today. Hopefully I make it there before the semester ends. It seems like a necessary place to visit before I leave Arizona.